Timeless Defense

Will it be like the plague in the 14th century which wiped out millions of people - an estimated one third of the European population?

Take a deep breath and relax.

It won’t.

We have much better sanitation, better communication and a better grasp as to how to overcome a virus such as ‘Covid-19).

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Anne Bramham
It’s All About The Environment

In my last blog I discussed the fluid body and the vital role our inner ocean (aka – our cellular environment ) plays in our health and wellbeing.

To expand on this subject I would like to share with you the fascinating and inspiring story of Alexis Carrel – a French physiologist whose pioneering work in maintaining cell life outside of its host organism served as a precursor for organ transplants.

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Anne Bramham
Healthy Planet, Healthy People...

In their book ‘Spontaneous Healing’ authors Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman argue that contrary to long held beliefs, our fate is not cast in our DNA but by the environment that surrounds our cells. In other words, our health and wellbeing is largely influenced by personal habits and self care.

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Anne Bramham
Sensory Soakings

I just returned home from teaching for two weeks in my my favorite venue – Hot Springs, North Carolina. I love the mountains, the shades of green and, at this time of year, the brilliant shades of autumn – orange, red, yellow – all perfect in autumn’s glorious beauty. It’s a twelve hour drive home to South Florida and my husband and I left Hot Springs in early afternoon, reveling in the fall of light snow (the first snow of the season) but an hour later we were enjoying brilliant sunshine, blue skies, beautiful scenery and a pallet of glorious fall

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Anne Bramham